Monday, September 28, 2009

Can Vinegar Cure Toenail Fungus?

It is known to most of you that there are home remedies for toenail fungus. As such, the question is “Can vinegar cure toenail fungus?” Of course, vinegar can work to certain extent in this affair. The treatment is based on the fact that an acidic environment can block the growth of fungi under and around the nail. The daily application of vinegar to the infected area helps prevent fungal growth and there is chance for new and healthy nail to grow. Many people are convinced by this treatment of toenail fungus using vinegar.

There are various types of vinegar to treat toenail fungus, but what you need here is ordinary white vinegar. You can have it in a basin and soak your feet in it for half an hour with relaxed mind. After half an hour, another dose of vinegar can be added and the toenail feet plunged fully for about fifteen minutes further. This process is repeated every day until the toenail fungal infection is getting completely cured. Another method is to paint the toenail with vinegar two or three times a day and apply a bandage soaked in vinegar. This bandage should be worn all the day and the toenail can be seen getting dry day by day.

Just like other natural cures for toenail fungus, the vinegar cure for toenail fungus is effective to some extent. Even though it may take time to cure completely, vinegar works as long as you take care to soak your feet in vinegar or apply vinegar every day regularly without fail until the toenail infections are cured. The nail infection is originating from beneath the thick nail.

If you take apple cider vinegar internally, it can speed up the things for cure. Since vinegar and toenail fungus are closely associated, you may rely upon apple cider vinegar for toenail fungus. The apple cider works effectively by attacking the fungal ailment. It is enough that you take just two teaspoons of vinegar three times a day. As the taste of apple cider may not be relishing for many people, it may be added with some beverage, such as fruit juice or carbonated soft drinks. But you must be cautious that acidic soft drinks may damage tooth enamel in due course.

Once you have cured your ailment and recover to normal appearance for the infected nail, you may stop taking vinegar by any method. It is here you are to be careful that the problem does not have recurrence with you. You have to keep your feet clean and dry all the time and the nails should be clipped short. If you have been used to taking vinegar and want to continue it, you may have it wisely if it is benefiting you in any other thing.

Listerine For Toenail Fungus

The use of Listerine for toenail fungus is not tested in formal research environment. This fact is not recognized by many people who are claiming success in using this. Listerine has antiseptic property and people believe that if t can kill the bacteria inside the mouth, it can also cure the toenail fungus created by the bacteria. The antiseptic property of Listerine is the one responsible for toenail fungus removal. The effectiveness of the solution is not proven on a research. However, it is one way to get rid of toenail fungal infection. Natural remedies are always reliable and affordable. Even if natural remedies like Listerine are not yet proven to be a good solution, it is worth trying for. It is not harmful anyway. If there are people who are claiming success by merely using this brand of antiseptic mouthwash, nothing will change if you will try this also or not. Think this way: if you will refuse using neither Listerine for toenail fungus removal nor other natural remedies, definitely there would be no good results. But, if you will try using Listerine, whether it does work on you or not, the important thing is that at least you have tried. What if it works? You will gain the benefits.

If there are people claiming success stories using Listerine for toenail fungus removal, there are also people who are opposing this idea. There have been many opposed statements concerning the helpful effects of Listerine mouthwash and its non-effectiveness for toenail fungus removal.

Listerine is an antiseptic mouthwash. It is alcohol-based mouthwash product so it can be an alternative to rubbing alcohol. You have to mix it with warm water and then you can soak your feet in the prepared solution. Since it is alcohol-based, you have to be careful. If you have wounds in your feet, you can feel pain when you try to soak your feet in the solution. If your toenail fungus has totally damaged your nail and has caused injury to your feet, there would be an extra pain when you soak your feet in the Listerine-water solution. You have to do the soaking everyday 20-30 minutes.

If you are really concerned with what are you experiencing from having toenail fungus to having dead nails and smelly feet, you may consult the advice of your foot doctor. If you are hesitant about using Listerine or any other natural remedies, the best thing to do is to seek your doctor. You can also do some research about the causes, treatments and the preventive measures. As you go through with the research, you can take note of some of the important details. When you visit your doctor, ask him about these things so that you will not be confused. The only person you can rely is your doctor. If you have doubts and hesitations, he or she can answer all your uncertainties. He has enough knowledge about the best and effective way on curing your toenail fungus.

Toenail Fungus Treatment With Laser- Is It Really Effective?

Toenail fungus can give you dead nails. This is the bad thing about toenail fungus if you will ignore it. It can cause also bad odor. So, when you know that you are having toenail fungus, better yet ask help from your doctor right away. There are oral drugs for toenail fungus, lamisil for example. It can help you prevent the toenail fungus from appearing but it cannot totally assure you that toenail fungus will not continue to appear. If you are really concerned about your toenail fungus, you should not wait until you will experience having smelly feet and dead nail already. It is much better if you treat immediately your toenail even at the early symptoms.

Toenail fungus can make you less comfortable. It is such dissatisfaction on your part. While everyone walks the street with just flip flops and sandals, you cannot even remove your socks because of the unwanted appearance of your toenail. You are not the only one suffering from this toenail infection. In the United States alone, over 20 million people are having toenail fungus infection. This is really sad. You and these people are really having hard time in coping up with your toenail fungus condition.

Aside from oral drugs that your doctor can give you, if you know home remedies that will work for you, do not hesitate doing that. It can help for the prevention of the bacteria to spread. If you will take necessary actions immediately, there is a better chance of recovering from having toenail fungus.

Home remedies like vinegar, ointments, oils and antiseptic mouthwash can be a great help to cure for toenail fungus. They are easy to obtain because they are available in your house. There is no need to go out and look for them. Aside from this, you would not have to use big amount of money. You can cure your toenail fungus safely and effectively.

Recently, laser treatment for toenail fungus has been introduced. Laser treatment is a medical procedure that can be use for toenail fungus treatment. It can give good results concerning toenail fungus removal. What’s good about laser treatment is that the laser rays can kill fungus without damaging the tissues and cells. Laser toenail fungus treatment really does work amazingly. The chance of reviving your normal toenail is just as similar as with the treatment given by your doctor for oral drugs. You can not feel pain from laser toenail fungus treatment. Many people have already tried doing this and they can say that they get good results after. Usually, laser toenail fungus treatment will only take 2-3 sessions to get good results. So, it is much easy compare to home remedies. Laser treatment has no side effects. It is safe and effective as well.

If you can’t get good results with oral drugs, laser is really good but if there’s bad about it, this treatment is quite expensive. You will need about $350 to $450 for the operation.